It's no joke! Some days it seems like I've been doing this all along, other days it is a struggle just to get both babe's diapers changed and get them put into clothing for the day. Oofdah.
The amazing thing is that I still think about adding a third down the road some time, I must be crazy. It's probably just knowing that my child carrying days will be over soon, that is, if they aren't already. It's hard to come to that realization. I think husband goes back and forth on it all, I can't blame him, really, I do as well. Two kids is one thing, you can fit two car seats in a car if you have to, there are two parents to tackle if need be, I have two knees, two arms. But three? Three is scary.
Things are settling in here, regardless of the crazy days. I feel like I know Mischa better, and I am more able to tend to her needs and cries, I understand what she wants now and that makes me feel much more secure as her mother. Eli adjusted really well with the change, so well that I keep waiting for the other shoe to drop but it never does. He really enjoys having his sister around and interacting with her, even if he doesn't quite get that she's a baby and he can't be rough with her like he can be with us. I think Mischa is scared of him just because he comes up to her so fast and gets right in her face, he has hurt her a couple of times as well, not badly, but enough to scare her and make her cry. I know this will get better, but I feel bad that she can never really relax around him.
My anxiety comes and goes, it tends to rear its ugly head at the worst possible times, isn't that always the case? I figured it was something that would get better on it's own with time but it seems like I could have been wrong about that...
That's all I have time for now, babies and chores are waiting for my attention.
Two kids is a hard adjustment. Whatever you decide (to have more or not)...things always work out. Been thinking about you and wanted to check in and see how you are doing.